Monday, July 18, 2011

May 13th
Field Day
Today was field day at school, it was techinally my day off so I thought if I had to work I would take Brady with me. Our school motto this year was Eagles Soaring High so we thought a Super Hero Theme Field Day was perfect. Brady and I got matching shirts.
Brady was such a great helper, first thing in the morning he went outside and helped Ms Amanda put out equipment. He loves our aide Ms. Beth so he followed her around awhile and copied everything she did.

In keeping with the theme 1 of the stations we did the kids got to make Superhero masks with donated fabric. Brady of course got one right a way and so did I.

Helping hide bean bags under the cones

Us with our superhero masks

Trying to climb the rope

Helping at the Sling Shot station

He spent a lot of time on the playground

Trying his turn @ Hula Hoopin

Brady and Ms. Beth


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