Saturday, January 8, 2011

 Oct. 8th
Lizzie's Here/State Fair
Today was an exciting day, two of Charley's BFFs were born, one planned and the other one a little early. We got to meet the Lizzie today, the planned one, but Jersie, we will have to see in a few days, cause we had plans to go to the State Fair today with Nani and Booga as well. I was able to see Lizzie right before we left for the fair, it worked out great!
The fair was exciting to say the least. The kids were great, Charley pretty much just slept and ate. It ended up being a lot longer day than I anticipated, because Booga was determined to give  the gets what they wanted, face painting, even if it meant wandering back and forth through mobs of people in the Midway at dark on a Friday night, lol.
The boys meet their little sister

Everyone looking at the new addition

Party of Five

State Fair

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