Dec. 15th
5 Months Old
Today, Charley is 5 months old. She seriously is the happiest baby! She LOVES her big brother and can find him anywhere in a room, and man, can he make her laugh. She also loves her daddy, I think that special Daddy Daughter love has already started, she will smile at him in the middle of being upset.
We started eating 5oz (Nov 20th). I also decided to start winging her off the 9:30/10 O'Clock feeding which I think I held on for forever with Brady. I first started feeding at 8:30pm and she would go until 7:30am (Nov. 20th). Then I went to 8 and same result (Nov. 23rd).
I started giving her 6oz in the evening (Dec. 1st), and since the we eat between 7:30-8 and go to bed soon after. She has gotten pretty good about puttin herself to sleep at night, in fact there were 3 days in a row that she didn't even fuss (Dec. 5,6,&7). She can hold her bottle now by herself.
We started Oatmeal (Nov. 30th), and have had 2 veggies now, peas and sweet potatoes.
We have moved up to the Exersaucer and playing in the swing.
And she has rolled over from her tummy to her back. She hasn't let me get it on camera yet, she is actually not a fan of being on her tummy at all. Her first roll over was on Dec.5th, we were sitting in the living room, hanging out with the Towery's on a Sunday afternoon and I put her on her tummy and she immediately rolled over, of course I screamed and scared her, poor thing.
On Dec. 6th we decided to move her to 6oz all day, she was just not getting satisifed but she still eats every 3hrs.
She rolled over for the 2nd and 3rd time at Mimi's house (Dec. 8th), while we waiting to go to the doc. Charley had a cough for awhile and was running a little fever and threw up from congestion. It ended up just being a cold. She threw up again the next day all over herself at Target.
Dec. 10th I took her to another doc, and we've started some breathing treatments, they think it might be allergies.
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